Cori Winrock numbered among “Best New Poets”

For her poem “Débridement,” the online anthology Best New Poets has included Visiting Assistant Professor of English Cori Winrock on its list of 50 best new poets for 2013.

Each year, a guest editor selects 50 poems for the anthology from an open internet competition and nominations made by literary magazines and writing programs.

Correction (10-11-13): This post previously referred to Best New Poets as an “online anthology.” In fact, Best New Poets is printed on paper. (Submissions are solicited online.) You can order an individual copy from the Best New Poets website, buy it from online retails such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble, or purchase it from an independent bookseller.

Brazilian poet Salgado Maranhão to read here October 4

Salgado Maranhão, one of Brazil’s leading contemporary poets, will read at Geneseo from his most recent collection, Sol Sangüíneo (Blood of the Sun), with his translator, Alexis Levitin, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Plattsburgh. In addition to eight books of poetry, including The Snake’s Fists, The Kiss of the Beast, and the recent Tiger’s Fur, Maranhão has written song lyrics and made recordings with some of Brazil’s leading jazz and pop musicians.MaranhãoSalgado Maranhão‘s white father was descended from a wealthy family whose plantations in the past had been worked by slaves. His mother was a black field worker who sang to him from her folk tradition. According to Maranhão, because “The Mansion” and “The Shanty” flow together in his veins, questions of race and history permeate several of the poems in his latest collection.

One of Brazil’s leading critics, Antonio Carlos Secchin, writes: “With a deeply-rooted personal diction, Salgado Maranhão, in Blood of the Sun, has reached the high point of his work (so far), in this cohesive collection of poems in which a speculative intelligence and a celebration of the corporality of the world are expressed with great metaphoric vigor.”

Cori Winrock Joins English Department as Visiting Assistant Professor

Poet Cori Winrock has joined the SUNY Geneseo English department this year as Visiting Assistant Professor.

Winrock holds an MFA in Poetry from Cornell University (2007) and BA degrees in Creative Writing and Psychology from Oberlin College (2004). Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in a wide range of journals, including Colorado Review, Indiana Review, Denver Quarterly, Blackbird, Mid-American Review, Shenandoah, Pool, The American Poetry Journal, The National Poetry Review, and Crab Orchard Review.

Winrock has been a finalist for several noteworthy honors, including the Academy of American Poets’ Walt Whitman Award and the National Poetry Review’s Annie Finch Prize.

In the fall 2011 semester, Winrock is teaching Engl 201 (Creative Writing), Engl 142 (Literary Forms: Portrait of the Artist – Autobiographical Comics, and Intd 105 (Writing Seminar: Literature and the Laboratory).