Heat. Cool.

In the Tesla house we take the Nature Writing class which Geneseo offers and it has honestly been a very new and exciting experience so far. First of all, sometimes we go outside during class, which has been really fun with all of the warm weather. It is a very interesting take on writing, and I have enjoyed the class so far. It is interesting in that you have to look at nature in new ways and notice more.

The other day, we went outside to take a closer look at how heat can be described. For example, you could write “It is hot in the sun,” or you could say “the sunbeams pelted down on me and wrapped me in a blanket of heat.” It was an amazing day to be outside and I started to notice more about the outdoors, what the sun felt like, and the contrast between the warm air and the cool ground. Then we went back inside and shared some of our ideas. It was overall a really cool experience because I got to hear about my classmate’s ideas and perceptions of what heat and the outdoors felt like.     –Nicole