Comfort is something we as people strive for, looking for ways to implement it into our lives any chance we get. Going from our lives filled with the discomfort that comes with our busy schedules. It infests our thought through the majority of the day: the want of escaping the bilious feeling of cold industrial white lights that beat on you at a trip to the grocery store, or a tedious office job. The sublime transition from this to the orange glow of the sun that fills you with warmth instead of anxiety, the subtle laughter of your mind as the blades of grass tickle your bare feet, is to many people much more comforting. Filling your house with shelves stocked with processed foods and appliances that help you be more efficient has its own significant impact on a busy life. But finding ways to merge this uncomfortable schedule with one filled with nature as well is simple. Even if that small amount of comfort is just a lonely cactus digging its roots into the inches of soil signifying its home, providing you with its natural shape, and comfort of feeling connected with nature, even if it’s minimal. What do you do in your life to implement nature’s comfort? –Soy