What is it about nature writing that reminds me of geography? Geography is a discipline I have come to love as a student at Geneseo. It has opened my eyes and made me fall in love with the environment around me and has therefore given me a greater appreciation for earth and its hidden beauty. But what is geography? Simply put, it is a multifaceted discipline that connects humans to the world and vice versa. It analyzes the physical side of the world as well as its human, social side. As I was choosing courses for this semester, I was informed to take the introductory writing seminar that the college requires. I wanted to take a course that I would be able to understand and find passion in as I did with my other geography courses. The one interrelated idea I can take away from both nature writing and geography is the interconnectedness with nature and the human population–how nature is in everything. It’s everywhere you look, from the trees to the cellphone in your hand to the sidewalk you walk on. In this is a sense of discovery for what it’s like to be on the other side of nature: to be able to see the world’s relationships from the human eye. The human connection to nature is undeniably positive nor negative as it influences the way nature behaves. As humans we often overlook this phenomenon since it is so common and mundane in daily life, but I encourage everyone to take a step back and appreciate the way nature and humans interact in the everyday environments surrounding us. We should be inclined to find the deeper meaning of nature while appreciating its beauty. The ability to deeply define and relate these experiences and relationships to living an interconnected life through nature writing is an amazing skill that I am sure to take with me long after this semester is finished. –Gabby N.