As a first-year student at SUNY Geneseo I’ve come to realize that there is much more than just academics that the school has to offer. While Geneseo is known as the “Ivy League of the SUNY’s” and its athletic program soars, it is also one of the most beautiful places to be year-round. When I arrived here in August the summer weather was almost perfect; the trees were a beautiful green and the sunsets were immaculate. Every night a new color would paint the sky and the Gazebo, located right in the middle of campus, was packed with students trying to capture the perfect picture for their snapchat stories. The Gazebo is one of my favorite places on campus, marked with names of past Geneseo students and placed in a spot that you can see for miles.
As the summer weather passed autumn was greeted with the slowly changing leaves that colored the campus with bright reds, yellows, and oranges. This is by far my favorite season and coming from a town in the middle of the mountains, I thought I would miss the scenery at home. However, after seeing the campus paths coated with falling leaves and looking out at the fields from the top of the hill, I’ve come to realize that Geneseo is just as pretty as it is at home. The squirrels on campus seem to multiply as they look for nuts that have fallen from the changing trees.
Now that weather has gotten colder, the trees have shed all their leaves and winter is slowly approaching. Though I usually resent the cold weather and snow, after seeing what it looks like on campus, I may have changed my mind. I feel it is the most beautiful calming look the campus has had so far and I can’t wait to see what spring has to offer. –Madison