Ask The Nurse!

Lauren Smith, FNP-C, is a nurse practitioner working at the Center for Sexual Health and Wellness at the Livingston County Department of Health.  She’s here to answer YOUR health questions – feel free to send them to!  Anonymized questions and answers will be posted here on a regular basis.


Q:  I get vaginal discharge sometimes, and it looks different depending on the time of the month. Is that normal? What should it look like? How can I tell if something is wrong?

A: It’s normal for vaginal discharge to change in color and consistency throughout the month, depending on hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle. Discharge that has an odor, is green-tinged, or accompanied by itching is concerning for a possible infection. If you experience these symptoms, you should be seen by a provider who can perform a vaginal swab to rule out infectious causes. This can be done at our Center for Sexual Health and Wellness clinics at South Village on Tuesday afternoons and Fridays.

The information on this site is for educational purposes only. It does not replace a personal relationship with a licensed health care provider and is not intended to provide medical advice. We strongly recommend that you make your health care decisions based on your own research and knowledge of your body, in collaboration with one or more licensed health care providers.

The hosting for this website is provided by SUNY Geneseo as a courtesy, but it is not an official College publication. The statements and opinions expressed in content of this website do not represent the official position or policy of SUNY Geneseo.