The First Fall (x2)

Winter happens to be my least favorite time of the year. It is a long, cold season that can return at any given moment. Because I am so lucky, I was able to experience this amazing time of year twice, one being more dramatic than the other. I live exceptionally close to home (about an hour away) and so I tend to go home almost every weekend. While I was home over the previous weekend (the weekend of November 10th), I was given the pleasure to wake up to a thick, almost full-foot layer of snow outside of my house on Saturday morning. For me, it is not like the movies: sun creeping though the blinds, waking up, a big yawn with theatrical arm stretching, and then, as if never having seen snow before, looking outside and gasping with surprise and delight. No. I dread having to get up in the morning during the winter. I hate that it is light out in the morning, I hate that it is cold everywhere, and I hate that it is so wet.

After dealing with this marvelous blizzard all weekend, when I arrived back on campus Sunday night, I was super surprised to see only leaves on the ground and in the parking lot. After a couple days being back on campus, thinking I was in the clear, I was ever so fortunate to experience snowflakes falling from the sky yet again on Tuesday morning on my way to class without a coat. Although the snow did not stick this time, that does not mean we will be so lucky next time. After ordering some Converse snow boots and bringing my winter coat back with me, I’m only physically ready for the scarring moment when everything is soaked and covered in a thick blanket of white death. Until then, I’m feeling just fine with my high top canvas Converse and black jean jacket getting me though the days.          — Hannah