Lost in Thought

View from the back of Sturges Hall, SUNY Geneseo

Often, I find myself losing track of time; lost in the immersion of my own mind. Time passes by quickly in reality but in my mind, every second is like an eternity. The landscape around me roars with chatter and swift moving feet. Shoes can distinctly be heard against the ground; sneakers, boots, and heels disrupt my train of thought. I sit down upon the ledge at the back of Sturges, beautiful vines line the wall all the way to the roof. The vines appear to be racing one another, each attempting to reach the top first. My mind is overcome with thoughts, questions I do not yet have answers to and answers to questions I have yet to ask myself. The ledge transports me into a different state of mind. I look out on the vast valley below; my train of thought is insatiable, I am unable to set my focus on one specific thing. The moving people below act as a canvas for me to draw upon. My eyes transfix upon an individual and my mind imagines who they are and what their story is. This idea of people watching and keen observation is an oddity, yet intrigues me. My elevation above them allows me to look from a heightened perspective, my POV changes as they ascend the concrete steps. Each person marked by a different walk and speed. Accompanied by my music I sing out as loud as I can in my mind. I think of what the music means to me in that specific moment, I reflect on how it makes me feel. My spot on the ledge accompanied by my thoughts and music I am never alone. I can never run out of reflective material, I could daydream forever. As the winter chill approaches my spot begins to lose color and the vines begin to decay. Until Spring…          — Ethan