General Tips

Here are some general tips for increasing positivity and gratitude in your life. These may help you find something that works for you.


You can use notebooks for expressing yourself in various ways in a safe space. You can use a notebook to sketch, journal, even just get your thoughts onto paper. While journaling, try to consider what you are writing about; for every 1 bad thing you document, try to think of 3 good things.

Helping Strangers

Consider doing something kind for someone you may not know. While at the grocery store, try complimenting someone, or perhaps may for the person’s coffee behind you in the drive thru line. Small things can have a positive on both you, and the person you’re doing them for.

Connect with Friends

Connecting with friends is a good way to increase positivity in your life. You can do this in a number of different ways including, writing a friend a letter out of the blue, have a picnic, help them out around the house, and maybe connect with an old friend.

Savoring the Positive Moments

Take the time to savor the positive moments in your life. Do this in whatever way feels right for you, whether it’s just pausing to take a deep breath, capturing a photo to save the memory, or documenting your experience in another way that is right for you.

Write Down What You Are Grateful For

Take less than 10 minutes each day to write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Starting a gratitude journal is a great way to dedicate a set space to this.

Reflecting on the Good

While times can be extremely difficult, it is important to focus more on the positives than the negatives. It is more than okay to experience negative experiences and emotions, as they are a part of life, but you should not dwell on them for too long. Instead, you should put things into perspective and realize how fortunate you are to have the many things you do have instead of focusing on the few things that you do not.