Find Your Flow

The Flow Theory was developed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his efforts to describe that feeling you get when you are doing something and time just slips away. He defines it as a psychological state in which you feel your brain is being challenged, you are motivated to keep going, and overall, happy. To find your flow you first find something that interests you, make sure your skills are up to the task, make sure the task is up to your skills, and go!


This page features a series of articles from scholars which cover the theories which help us to understand what exactly flow is and how it can contribute to the betterment of our experiences.

Ted Talks and Podcasts

These talks and podcasts offer unique insight into the nature of flow as part of the human experience

Tips for Flow

Various articles highlighting methods for achieving flow in

Examples of Flow

Various examples that highlight how we can find activities that increase our flow