General Tips

Here are some general tips for ways to better connect to nature to help facilitate happiness and increase personal well-being. We all have our own journey while connecting with nature, find things that feel right for you, try new things!


Walking (as compared to activities such as running, picnicking, or visiting attractions) has been associated with higher levels of connectedness to nature, which is a mediating variable between nature exposure and happiness. Taking a walk with a family member, a friend, a pet, or even yourself can be greatly beneficial.

Duration of Visits

Research has indicated that the duration of a visit to nature matters; in fact, research suggests that visits should last longer than 30 minutes. Visits longer than 30 minutes are associated with greater connectedness to nature, a mediating variable between nature exposure and happiness (visits longer than 30 minutes have a greater impact on increasing happiness).


Nature-based activities such as gardening and farming have been used in the past as mental health treatments. Even buying a new plant for your home/dorm to take care of can be beneficial to your well-being!