Here are some articles with some general tips to aid you in finding flow in your life. Remember, flow is unique to each person; something that gives you flow may not work for your friends, and that is totally normal! These articles outline some ideas that can get you started.
9 Steps to Achieving Flow
This article outlines the various aspects and characteristics flow as it occurs in an individual’s work. The author lays out and explains 9 steps to help guide readers to achieve flow in their everyday work.
How to Get Into Flow
This article highlights the dimensions of flow as it is motivated by intrinsic motivations, a clear goal in mind, and clear cues to measure your progress. There are 5 steps given to help individuals enter the state of flow.
8 Ways to Create Flow
This article discusses the founder of Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihaly and how he came to his conclusions about how and why flow occurs in individuals. It also includes an informative video about what flow is. The article continues to explain the 8 characteristics of flow as described by Csikszentmihaly.
Affects of Flow Activities
This APA study outlines how sports and games can both acts as activities to facilitate flow. Here, simple differences in behavior are described that can either create flow or not create flow. For example, the study found that while watching a movie you may not feel flow, but at a movie theater levels of flow can be high.