Open Cooking

by Allison Brown

Because of extra time at home and low stock at grocery stores, social distancing has created more home cooks than ever. Did you know that Milne has a whole ebook collection of local cookbooks in our Geneseo Valley Historical Reprints series? Try your hand at historical classics like election cakes (Genesee Valley Cook Book p 71) floating islands (Golden Links Cookbook, p 49), or something called “Curly Peters” (Contributed Recipes, p 6). 

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Open in the News

by Jonathan Grunert

In the COVID-19 crisis, Open has been in education news, largely related to limited-time free access to various tools and platforms. One of the most prominent stories has been the creation of the National Emergency Library by, with the suspension of waitlisting for many of its books. Others, like Springer Publishing, are making their open access materials more easily discoverable.

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