#TechTipThursday: Accessibility and assessments of learning

Earlier this week, Leah authored a guest blog post discussing growth mindset through the lens of her interim role as the Coordinator of Disability Services. As she differentiates growth mindset from a fixed mindset, Leah reminds us of the importance of “adjusting our paradigm about student growth and development” particularly as we support students with differing abilities. One area for opportunity specific to the teaching and learning environment is the language we use in our syllabi and other course documentation describing accommodations. The Provost’s Office simplifies this process for us with language on the Student Success Resources page (also available in the Canvas Commons, search term “Geneseo”). Similarly, this post is intended to simplify the process surrounding Canvas-based accommodations specific to quizzes and exams.

Once a faculty member becomes aware that a learner’s accommodations include additional time on exams/quizzes, they can follow the steps detailed below to moderate an existing Canvas-based assessment. Note that this information is only applicable to timed assessments; setting a time limit is one of several options available when creating a Canvas-based quiz/exam.

  • Access Quizzes from the left-hand course navigation menu
  • Click its name to open the quiz/exam in question
View of all quizzes in a Canvas course
  • Select Moderate This Quiz from the far right-hand side of the screen
Identifies the option to "moderate quiz" within the quiz in question.
  • To add additional time for one student, locate the learner and click the pencil (to the far right-hand side) to make edits
    • Use the checkboxes to the left of student names to select multiple learners to edit. If selecting multiple students, look to the bottom of your list of learners for the option to “Change Extensions for [X] Selected Students” (not pictured below)
  • Within the Student Extensions window that appears you can identify the additional time in the “Extra time on every attempt” field. The image below depicts adding time for one student; functionality does not change when adding time for multiple students.

Saving your edits returns an instructor to the Moderate Quiz page, from which learners were initially selected for edits, and displays the time added directly below the learner name. Although the focus of this post is on additional time, faculty members are encouraged to learn more about the Moderate Quiz page, its data, and options available therein.

Members of SUNY Geneseo’s Canvas Support team are available to answer your questions! Reach us by email (canvas@geneseo.edu) or through the Canvas Hotline at 585.245.6000 (weekdays 8AM – 4PM).

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